Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our Special Olympic athletes arrived yesterday afternoon. Their names are David and Mitchell. They are so very polite and helpful. They are both skiiers from Canada. David brought us some smoked salmon and a banner for Corden of a Canadian Hockey Team. It was nice to have more boys in the house! Mitchell liked to play video games and after dinner played for a while. David went with Corden to Mutual. They went to the YMCA for the evening and then out to Krispie Kream. This morning they are practising at Bogus. Mike took them to catch the bus. It is nice because they have a special trailer for their skiis so we didn't have to have the truck to haul them around. Tonight there is a dinner for all the Canadian athletes and their host families at our church. On Friday we will go to the YMCA, the museum and perhaps the mall. Sat. is the opening ceremonies and the competition will begin. During the competition they stay in hostels.

The special olympic committee requested people knit or crochet scarfs for the athletes. They are to be done in blue and white, the olympic colors. Boise got so many scarfs from all over the country that people could donate to the olympics for a scarf. They let me pick out one for every member of the family. I only got three.... not one for each of my family. It was so special to me because one of the scarfs was knitted by a girl scout from New York. that's the one I wanted. It is a wonderful experience to get to be a host family for the Special Olympics. It is a great experience.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

COOL!! I am so jealous. That sounds so fun. You need to put up some pictures of them. Do you get to go and watch them compete?