Monday, January 5, 2009

Oma Day

This Friday Jan 2, 2009 we had Oma day. Destenee, Thomas and Isabel came over. We played with playdough, ate sandwiches with raisen eyes and noodle smiles cut into hearts or stars. Destenee spent time rollerblading. We put together puzzles, played clue and spiderman monopoly. Destenee and I played Yahtzee which is our game. She beat me again. Aghhh! We went to the dollar store and they all picked out something. Destenee got jalopeno chips, Thomas got a gun and Isabel got a small princess and prince with accessories. I love Oma day.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

jalepeno chips? Random. I want my kids to be able to have Oma day....